Understanding regulations around the end-use of your goods

Export control checks in the area of end-use aim to effectively prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and missile programs in critical countries. In the EU, the so-called "catch-all clause" (EU Dual-Use Regulation, Art. 4 and 5) forms the legal basis for license requirements for exports of non-listed items if there are indications that these items are to be used for certain critical purposes (i.e. critical end-use).

As part of the recast EU Dual-Use Regulation, an additional catch-all provision (in Art. 5) has been added: for the export of non-listed cyber surveillance items which are subject to reporting requirements if the exporter is aware (or has been informed by the authorities) that the items in question are or may be intended, in their entirety or in part, for end-use in connection with internal repression and/or the commission of serious human rights violations and international humanitarian law.

Complying with statutory provisions on end-use at all times
Complying with statutory provisions on end-use at all times

Complying with statutory provisions on end-use at all times

In addition to these catch-all controls at EU-level, exporting companies must also comply with national catch-all regulations and corresponding licensing requirements for critical end-uses at their customers.

Managing controls on critical end-use is a complicated matter. But AEB's Export Controls software makes it easy: It automates and manages the check on end-use for you in the background of your export transactions as well. And if you need help collecting the data to create transparency about knowledge of critical end-uses, just take a look at our product Risk Assessment.


Export Controls software

Discover the AEB software Export Controls with its features and options at a glance.


Dual-use goods check

Shipping dual-use items is subject to strict controls. AEB's software provides peace of mind.


Embargo check

Embargoes can affect various areas and compliance with worldwide regulations is crucial.

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