
17. listopadu 233/41 . 251 01 Říčany . Czechia

“The secret of our office in Prague is that it is actually located in the small neighboring town of Říčany. Which, statistically, has long ranked as the city with the highest quality of life in Czechia! When colleagues come here for the first time, we often meet them in front of the building. Otherwise they’re likely to see only the preschool on the ground floor and keep walking. Go up two flights of stairs to the top floor, and there you’ll find five workstations, a comfy sofa in the corner, and a picture of our company founder, Peter M. Belz.”
– Jan

Your space to set things in motion.

We believe that to really make a difference, you need space. Space for individual needs. A working and system environment that empowers you instead of holding you back. That's why AEB is not an employer, but a provider of space.